So hey, Escape Pod accepted “Just Do It” for podcastification. Which is super duper nifty.
Also, I’ve concluded my current battle with BT and have signed up for ADSL broadband with one of their competitors. So now they can do battle with BT, since BT still owns the phone lines. If all goes well, it’ll be 7-10 days until I have internet access (glorious, glorious internet access) from home.
That’s terrific news! Did the folks at Esacpe Pod say when it will be available?
And a two-fingered salute to BT — I’m sure you won’t miss arguing with them. 😉
Yay! That’s awesome.
you did it nicky! you bit it’s freaking head off!
you are the best.
Yeah, that story’s perfect for them! Congratulations! Escape Pod is a terrific market.